Author C. Shields

A Blog for Updates on Author C.Shield's Work


I’m so excited! I’ve been featured on another blog!

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Click to go to eBooks by Forrest Young

A new review site for the Carnal Pleasures erotica e-book site has featured my latest taboo erotic romance novel, “Fleur in Blossom“. Forrest Young, the person who manages the blog, is a fellow author of taboo erotica who thinks along the same lines as I do. Like me, he’s basically done with Amazon’s “moral majority” censorship that’s getting worse with every passing month. Also, he shares my frustration with fellow taboo erotica authors who complain about the creeping censorship of big e-publishers like Amazon, Kobo, and Sony but who, for some strange reason, just can’t stop linking to them.

Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of justified criticism while trying to stop the disenfranchisement of creative fiction? I mean, if someone is frustrated with the way a business disenfranchises people (both authors and readers alike), why link to them? Clicks generate money for Amazon, too, and being a corporation with the only fiduciary responsibility of generating profit for their shareholders, as long as they make money, no change will happen and they’ll continue to disenfranchise whomever they please. However, stop clicking by the tens of thousands, and they just might pay attention.

My solution would be for those hundreds, maybe even thousands, of disenfranchised erotica authors to promote each other’s blogs and to link to publishing sites such as Lot’s Cave and Carnal Pleasures where the expression of uncensored and tasteful “speech” is still respected, even encouraged. If we can find a way to unite on this, we can take the power back from multi-billion dollar corporations. We can start a grassroots movement for true adult fiction that is only limited by one’s titillating imagination (and common sense lawful boundaries).

So give yourself a treat and click on the image above. It will take you to Forrest Young’s blog where you can read some very interesting and informative posts. I want to give a shout out to Mr. Young for his sharp insights, his informative blog posts, and for his honest opinion, tastefully written, on the state of e-publishing for erotica Indie authors. And I’d like to thank Phaedrus T. Wolfe for bringing Forrest Young’s blog to my attention.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

On a personal note, a shout-out to Lot’s Cave and their new and improved site! Beautiful AND functional, but I’m also tickled-pink that Lot’s Cave will be accepting all genres such as paranormal erotic romances, even Young Adult. I write those as well and it’s nice to know I’ll be able to publish them on Lot’s Cave.

Finally, I apologize for the delay in releasing the fourth book in the Loving Siblings series. I’d taken ill and just couldn’t sit behind my comp for longer than an hour or so. But I’m feeling better now and am putting the finishing touches on the 60,000 + word e-book, Ivan & Isabella, that I’ll soon be submitting for e-publishing. Please stay tuned!